Zombie Survival Game Online Wiki


The World Settings Manager is a highly requested feature from the community. What this allows you to do is adjust many different aspects of your Zombie Survival Game Online experience. Currently, this is for single player & co-op servers. Once we polish off a process for dedicated server owners, I will like that "here" if I remember. Hopefully I remember.

If you rather watch a video tutorial, you can do that here!

Setting Up A Profile[]

In order to use your settings, you must first start by setting a profile. First, head over to the World Settings tab on the main menu.


Once you are in the World Settings Manager Menu, be sure to set a Settings Profile Name and use that Save Settings button!


Now that you have created a settings profile name, you can continue customizing your settings.


These are settings that directly influence factors that have to do with your character.

Player Settings[]

  • Allow PvP - Toggles the ability to damage other players.
  • Allow PvE - Toggles if you take damage from environment or AI.
  • Keep Loot On Death - Toggles if you keep your loot when you die. (Any dead body on a server with this toggled on will not allow you to loot dead players.)

Player Modifiers[]

  • Damage - Increase if you want to take more damage.
  • Stamina - Increase if you want your stamina to drain FASTER. (Yes, the higher the value, the worse your stamina is)
  • Hunger - Same as stamina but for hunger rates!
  • Thirst - Same as hunger but for thirst rates!

AI Spawn[]

This is not implemented yet as of 3/14/24, hopefully I remember to update this when it is implemented.


This involves everything that has to do with raiding in a server.

Raiding Settings[]

  • Allow Raiding - Pretty self explanatory.
  • Door Only Raiding - Only doors can take damage if this is set to true.
  • C4 Only Raiding - If true, you cant use melee or grenades to raid, only C4.
  • Build Part Damage - Increase if you want to do more damage when raiding.


There's 1 slider... throw that thing up if you want loot EVERYWHERE. (Not dev recommended)


Used to adjust the weather and passing of time. Everything that has to do with the sky.

  • Simulate Passing of Time - Uncheck if you want to freeze time.
  • Starting Time - Set what time you want your session to start at.
  • Time Speed - How fast time should move
  • Day/ Night Length - How long you want day and night to be. duh.

Applying Your World Settings[]

Once you have your settings to your liking, be sure to hit that Save Settings button!!!!

Then, go to start a session as you normally would.

Once you get to the window that has you set the save name & map, be sure to navigate to the World Settings Profile line.


Hit that drop down and set it to the name of the profile you just finished creating!

Load in as usual and you are good to go.

Good luck out there survivors!!!
