Zombie Survival Game Online Wiki


This is all the information we, the ZSGO Dev team, thought up that would assist players with the AI Spawn Manager. If you have any further questions, please reach out on the ZSGO Discord! We would love to see what you are up to.

If you rather watch a video tutorial, you can do that here!

What Is Going On?[]

We use big chunks that check if a player has entered a specific zone on the map. The biggest zone is called a MapChunk. This is followed by the SpawnChunk, SpawnData, and SpawnPoint. Once the player enters a SpawnPoint radius, a spawn check will be fired off and if the roll of the dice decides to spawn an AI, it will spawn!


Every step of the way is fully customizable to the player using Json files. The sizes and locations of the zones, the chances to spawn an AI, and even the type of AI being spawned on that point.

All of the AI spawn data is kept in JSON files here -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zombie Survival Game Online\ZSGO\Content\GameSettings\SpawnerSettings

Adjusting the POI Manager Settings[]

These settings are used to control the POI Manager as a whole.

In the POIManagerSettings.json file, you'll find the information bellow. There are comments added to help understand what each value does. Be sure to backup this Json file if you decide to go nuclear. Just in case. (If you don't backup, you can always verify files on Steam)

POIManagerSettings.json with Comments Added[]

  •     "globalPOISpawnerActive": true, // toggle for whether or not we spawn zombies using the new system
  •     "activateDebugUI": true, // toggles whether or not the debug window is displayed
  •     "pOIJsonFile": "POISpawnSettingsMainLevel", //Controls which POISpawnSettings file is used for this given settings file
  •     "spawnerCheckIterationTime": 4, //How quickly do we iterate through the points checking valid distances etc.
  •     "spawnerClassIterationTime": 2, // How quickly do we iterate through the valid to spawn at points spawning actual zeds
  •     "chunkIterationTime": 8, // How often the following chain of functions are triggered with a 0.5-1 sec delay inbetween CheckMapChunkDistance, CheckSpawnChunkDistance, CheckSpawnLocationDistance
  •     "cleanUpIterationTime": 5 // How often the clean up iterator will check a given zed in the list to see if there are players near by and if not remove it

Enabling the AI Spawner Debug[]

  1. Open the file located here -> C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zombie Survival Game Online\ZSGO\Content\GameSettings\SpawnerSettings\POIManagerSettings.json
  2. Set "activateDebugUI": false, to true & then save.

Adjusting the POI Spawn Settings[]

These are settings to adjust the spawn chances of every individual AI spawner on the map. This can not only be used to adjust the size of the chunks that check if there is a player nearby, but even the type of AI that can be spawned on each spawn point. The example provided bellow is for Main Level.

In the POISpawnSettingsMainLevel.json file, you can see every single MapChunkName, SpawnChunkName, SpawnDataName, and Spawn Point (Including what's spawned on them!).

Current AI That Can Be Spawned[]

These are the different AI that can be spawned on these spawn points.

  1. Random Zombie - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Zombies/BP_RandomZed.BP_RandomZed_C"
  2. Armored Zombie - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Zombies/BP_ArmoredZed.BP_ArmoredZed_C"
  3. Rad Zombie - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Zombies/BP_RadZed.BP_RadZed_C"
  1. Bear - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Animals/BP_Animal_Aggressive_Bear.BP_Animal_Aggressive_Bear_C"
  2. Wolf - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/BP_AIWolfAggressive.BP_AIWolfAggressive_C"
  3. Deer - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Animals/BP_Animal_Passive_Deer.BP_Animal_Passive_Deer_C"
  1. Scav Soldier - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Scavs/BP_Range_Aggressive_AI.BP_Range_Aggressive_AI_C"
  2. Scav Sniper - "/Game/ZSGO/Blueprints/AI/Pawns/Scavs/BP_Sniper_Aggressive_AI.BP_Sniper_Aggressive_AI_C"
This is where you would set the AI that is spawning on this spawn point

This is where you would paste the type of AI that you want to spawn on a specific point. (Be sure to keep the quotes seen in "INSERT AI NAME HERE")

You can even set multiple types of AI on 1 spawn point, with different chances of spawning. For example, there are animal spawners already implemented that have a percent chance to spawn a Deer, Wolf, or Bear.

Remember, there is a spawn chance min & max for the spawn point itself, along with a min & max for each individual AI set to spawn on that point.

Reaching Out to the Devs[]

We would love to see survivors playing around with these settings! Please if you have ANY questions at all join the ZSGO Discord and open a ticket. We respond fast and would love to see what you are working on!
